Welcome Visitors!
The Malverne Village Board of Trustees, staff and community volunteers work closely to provide our residents and merchants with quality municipal services in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The effectiveness of our local village government is directly related to the interests, participation and commitment of our local residents, merchants and visitors.
The Village of Malverne is widely known for its charming, small-town appeal with lovely residential homes, quaint downtown shops and restaurants as well as our beautiful recreational parks and facilities.
Thank you for visiting our website. I hope you gain a perspective of all that Malverne has to offer!
Timothy H. Sullivan
Village Mayor

Dining & Shopping
The Village of Malverne is home to many unique and popular restaurants and stores. The Malverne Chamber of Commerce is an active and vital organization with in the Village.
Parks & Recreation
An important part of the Village's quaint and picturesque apprearance is its many parks. From Reese/Gazebo Park to Westwood Park and the many "pocket parks" in between, residents can enjoy the tranquil beauty of the Village year round.

Memorial Day!
Memorial Day Ceremony held at Village Hall

Malverne Public Library
The Malverne Public Library is one of many treasures you will find in this wonderful community. Libraries are not just about books anymore. There are computers, WI-FI, DVD's, magazines, programs, audio books and much more!
Visit the library at www.malvernelibrary.org

Malverne Historical and Preservation Society
The mission of the society is caretaking, preserving and displaying Malverne’s history. The Society’s main purposes are to obtain, organize, preserve, display, and make available to the public, all historical information and artifacts pertaining to Malverne and surrounding areas. In addition, the Society endeavors to preserve, whenever possible, older structures and landmarks within the membership perimeters, and to promote the identity of Malverne as a community.
The Historical Society is located at 369 Ocean Avenue in Malverne.
Visit the Historical Society at https://www.malvernehistory.org/

Malverne Public Schools - District 12 - http://www.malverne.k12.ny.us
Valley Stream Public Schools - District 13 - http://www.valleystream13.com
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School - http://ollmalverne.org
Grace Lutheran Day School - http://www.gracelcsmalverne.org/