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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the MALVERNE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Thursday, April 10, 2025, at the MALVERNE VILLAGE HALL, 99 Church Street, Malverne, New York 11565 and will hear the following cases at 7:00 PM:

Cory Polshansky

180 Scarcliffe Dr.; Residential “B” District

Pool Permit Application #2024-0437; Deck Permit Application #2024-0674; Fence Permit

Application #2024-0676

Maintain and legalize installation of 12 ft. x 20 ft. above ground swimming pool; construction of 465 sq. ft. rear wood deck with steps to grade; and installation of 5 ft. high left, right and front facing solid PVC fence with two gates all as part of pool barrier safety enclosure; maintain adjoining property’s 5 ft. high total (4 ft. solid with 1 ft. lattice top) rear facing fence as part of pool barrier safety enclosure.

Hemchand Ramnaraine

140 Hempstead Ave.; Residential “A” District

Building Permit Application #2025-0107

Proposed construction of front porch, second story addition and exterior alterations to single family dwelling.

All interested parties should appear at the above time and place.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the final assessment rolls of the Inc. Village of Malverne for this fiscal year June 1, 2025 to May 31, 2026 will be available for inspection at the Malverne Village Hall, 99 Church Street, Malverne, NY during regular business hours and at starting April 1, 2025.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Annual Organization Meeting of the Inc. Village of Malverne will be held on April 2, 2025, at 7:30 PM at Malverne Village Hall, 99 Church Street, Malverne, NY.  At that time the first Wednesday of each month will be designated for holding the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees at 7:30 PM and, the third Thursday following the Regular meeting of the Board, will be designated for the Architectural Review Board meeting at 7:30 PM. Following the meetings there will be Work and Executive Session.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Trustees of the Inc. Village of Malverne will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at 7:00 PM prevailing time, at the Malverne Village Hall, 99 Church Street, Malverne, New York for the purpose of discussion of the tentative budget for fiscal year June 1, 2025 to May 31, 2026.   All interested persons will be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. A copy of the tentative budget will be available at the Office of the Village Clerk at Malverne Village Hall during normal business hours and at

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the tentative budget provides that the maximum compensation to each member of the Board of Trustees from all sources is as follows:

Mayor $14,500 Trustees (4) $11,000 each. 

All interested persons will be given an opportunity to present oral and written comments at said Public Hearing.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the Inc. Village of Malverne will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at Malverne Village Hall, 99 Church Street, Malverne, New York 11565 on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 7:15 PM to hear the following cases:

22-32 Malverne Associates, LLC

22 Church St., Malverne, NY; Business District

Building Permit Application No. 2025-0111

New tenant (Grami Cafe) proposes to open a new restaurant with interior alterations.

All interested parties should appear at the above time and place.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL & SITE PLAN REVIEW of the Inc. Village of Malverne will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at the Malverne Village Hall, 99 Church Street, Malverne, New York 11565 on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 7:30 pm to hear the following cases:

Malverne Center LLC

344 Hempstead Ave.; Business District

Sign Permit Application #2025-0073 & #2025-0074

Proposes to install two (2) 2 ft. high x 12 ft. wide aluminum signs for tenant Professional Physical Therapy.

Malverne Laurel LLC

281 Hempstead Ave.; Business District

Sign Permit Application #2025-0087 & #2025-0088

Proposes to replace/recover existing 18' long x 3' high x 2'-8" deep metal frame awning with new Sunbrella fabric and painted letters; and replace 12 ft. wide x  2 ft. high plexi sign (face only) on existing light box for tenant new J&J Malverne Nail Spa Inc.

All interested parties should appear at the above time and place.  The Architectural & Site Plan Review Board Meeting will be immediately followed by a work session of the Board of Trustees.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Section 15-118(2) of the New York State Election Law, the Board of Trustees hereby designates that the Inspectors of Election shall meet on Saturday, March 8, 2025, between the hours of Noon and 5:00 PM at Malverne Village Hall, 99 Church Street, Malverne, NY for the purpose of preparing the rolls of registered voters of the Inc. Village of Malverne and to register persons not previously registered to vote in the Village Elections.

The intent of the Election Law and the Board of Trustees of the Inc. Village of Malverne is to enable all qualified persons to vote in the Village Election.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the provisions of the Election Law of the State of New York, that the offices of Village Trustee 4-year term (two positions) are to be filled at the Village Election to be held on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at the Malverne Village Hall, 99 Church Street, Malverne, New York, between the hours of 7:00 am and 9:00 pm.

 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the following is a true and correct list of the names and addresses of those who have been duly nominated for Village office by Certificate of Petition of Nomination, duly filed with the Commissioner of Elections in accordance with the provisions of Election Law and the terms of such office for which they have been nominated:


Megan E. O’Rourke Schutta                          Trustee                        four (4) year term

130 Rider Avenue

Malverne, NY 11565


Lori A. Lang                                                   Trustee                        four (4) year term

16 Coolidge Street                                                                 

Malverne, NY 11565




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the MALVERNE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Thursday, March 13, 2025, at the MALVERNE VILLAGE HALL, 99 Church Street, Malverne, New York 11565 and will hear the following cases at 7:00 PM:

Cory Polshansky

180 Scarcliffe Dr.; Residential “B” District

Pool Permit Application #2024-0437; Deck Permit Application #2024-0674; Fence Permit Application #2024-0676

Maintain and legalize installation of 12 ft. x 20 ft. above ground swimming pool; construction of 465 sq. ft. rear wood deck with steps to grade; and installation of 5 ft. high left, right and front facing solid PVC fence with two gates all as part of pool barrier safety enclosure; maintain adjoining property’s 5 ft. high total (4 ft. solid with 1 ft. lattice top) rear facing fence as part of pool barrier safety enclosure.

WFC Properties LLC

2 Utterby Rd.; Residential “D” District

Building Permit Application #2025-0006

Proposes existing second story accessory apartment not be occupied by the practitioner who owns the professional office business on the first floor.

Malverne Properties, LLC

61 Church St.; Business District

Building Permit Application #2024-0115

Proposes to demolish existing one story structure and construct 11,118 total sq. ft. three-story 12-unit multi family dwelling over basement.

All interested parties should appear at the above time and place.



​NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed proposals for Repair of House Sewer Lines will be received by the Incorporated Village of Malverne no later than March 14, 2025 at 12:00PM prevailing time at Malverne Village Hall, 99 Church Street, Malverne, New York 11565. The purpose of the Request for Proposal is the solicitation of competitive proposals from qualified entities to offer a private sewer lateral protection program to private property owners of the Village, to address the problems of infiltration, intrusion, and exfiltration to assist residential private property owners in obtaining reasonably priced, affordable, and state-of-the-art repairs. Specifications and bidder instructions may be obtained on or after February 20, 2025 in the office of the Village Clerk or at  For additional information email  No bid will be considered valid if exceptions are noted upon view of the submitted document. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any non-conformity there in, and to accept the bid which in their opinion is in the best interest of the Village.



PUBLIC NOTICE OF VILLAGE TREASURER’S SALE                                                          



That pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Real Property Tax Law and the Village Law of the State of New York and pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Malverne, Nassau County, New York adopted at a meeting held on the 5th day of February, 2025 the undersigned as Treasurer of said Village will sell at public auction in the manner prescribed by law, on the 13th  day of March, 2025 at 11:00 o’clock in the forenoon of that day and on succeeding days, in the Courtroom of the Village Hall, 99 Church Street, Malverne, New York, as much of each of the following parcels of real estate upon which Village taxes remain unpaid as will be sufficient to discharge the taxes, interest and charges thereon which may be due at the time of such sale.

Such real estate will be sold subject to any unpaid assessment thereon levied by said Village and any unpaid lien purchased and held by said Village, and all liens on property included in this sale and sold subject to the provisions of the Federal and State Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act.

Each purchaser at such tax sale shall pay the amount of his/her bid to the Village Treasurer within ten (10) days after the sale, and upon such payment the Treasurer shall give to the purchaser a certificate in writing describing the real property purchase and the sum paid therefore.


>>>The following is a list of lots, pieces, and parcels of real estate to be sold and the total amount of taxes, interest, and charges thereon<<<.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Village of Malverne is requesting proposals (RFP) from Certified Public Accounting Firms to conduct the Financial and Compliance Audit of the Village’s operations.  Sealed bids shall be received by the Village Clerk, Village of Malverne, 99 Church Street, Malverne, NY 11565, no later than March 14, 2025 at 4:30PM. Specifications and bidder instructions may be obtained on or after February 10, 2025 in the office of the Village Clerk or at  For additional information email Village Treasurer Kelly Duffy at The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any non-conformity there in, and to accept the bid which in their opinion is in the best interest of the Village.




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Village of Malverne will accept sealed bids for ONE (1) 2000 GPM RESCUE PUMPER to be utilized by the Malverne Volunteer Fire Department.  Sealed bids shall be received by the Village Clerk, Village of Malverne, 99 Church Street, Malverne, NY 11565, no later than March 12, 2025 at 11:00AM at which time they will be opened and read aloud.  Specifications and bidder instructions may be obtained on or after February 10, 2025 in the office of the Village Clerk or at . For additional information email  No bid will be considered valid if exceptions are noted upon view of the submitted document.

The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any non-conformity there in, and to accept the bid which in their opinion is in the best interest of the Village.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL & SITE PLAN REVIEW of the Inc. Village of Malverne will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at the Malverne Village Hall, 99 Church Street, Malverne, New York 11565 on Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 7:30 pm to hear the following cases:

Malverne Center LLC

344A Hempstead Ave.; Business District

Sign Permit Application #2024-0898

Proposes to install new 12 ft. wide x 2 ft. high non-illuminated sign panel for new tenant space Believer Hands Nail and Spa.

125 Church St Holdings LLC

111 Church St.; Business District

Sign Permit Application #2025-0002

Proposes to install wall mounted 1" thick PVC x 2 ft. high x 8 ft. long sign panel with no internal illumination for tenant Malverne School of Music.

Veronica Fabiani

11 Audrey Ct.: Residential “A” District

Building Permit Application #2024-0801

Proposes to construct 276 sq. ft. first floor addition over crawl space; 1516 sq. ft. second floor addition; 259 sq. ft. roof over rear patio; and 50 sq. ft. front portico to existing single family dwelling.

Ibtisam Javed

16 Atlas Ct.; Residential “A” District

Building Permit Application #2024-0594

Proposes to maintain and legalize construction of 408 sq. ft. one story addition to existing single family dwelling.

All interested parties should appear at the above time and place.  The Architectural & Site Plan Review Board Meeting will be immediately followed by a work session of the Board of Trustees.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees will meet in Work Session

at Malverne Village Hall, 99 Church St., Malverne, NY 11565 for the purpose of department budget presentations at 6:00PM on February 18, 2025, February 27, 2025, March 12, 2025 and 6:30PM on March 6, 2025. In addition, a Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025, at 7:15 PM at Malverne Village Hall, for the purpose of discussion and adoption of Local Law #1 of 2025, a Local Law to override the tax levy limit established in General Municipal Law 3-c.  All interested parties will be heard at the above-mentioned place and time.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the tentative assessment rolls of the Inc. Village of Malverne for fiscal year June 1, 2025 to May 31, 2026 will be available for inspection at Malverne Village Hall, 99 Church Street, Malverne, NY 11565 during regular business hours and on starting February 1, 2025.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with New York State Real Property Tax Law Section 1408(2), complaints on real property assessment for the fiscal year June 1, 2025 to May 31, 2026 will be accepted by the Inc. Village of Malverne, at Malverne Village Hall between February 1, 2025 and February 18, 2025 during regular business hours.  On the last Grievance Day, February 18, 2025 the Assessor will also be available between the hours of 5:00 PM and 9:00 PM to receive complaints on real property assessments. 



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Traffic Commission of the Incorporated Village of Malverne will meet on the following dates at 7:30pm at Malverne Village Hall, 99 Church St., Malverne, NY 11565; January 22, 2025, April 16, 2025, July 16, 2025, October 15, 2025. 



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL & SITE PLAN REVIEW of the Inc. Village of Malverne will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at the Malverne Village Hall, 99 Church Street, Malverne, New York 11565 on Thursday, January 16, 2025, at 7:30 pm to hear the following cases:

Christopher & Meredith Heine

7 Winfield Pl.; Residential “C” District

Building Permit Application #2024-0706

Proposes to construct a second story addition over existing single family 1 1/2 story dwelling.

Vishnu & Kamla Gangadin

55 Wright Ave.; Residential “A” District

Permit Application #s 2024-0496; 2024-0498; 2024-0607; and 2024-0499

Proposes to install inground swimming pool; construct open sided cabana with outdoor seasonal kitchen in rear yard; construct patio; masonry fire pit; and 3 ft. high planter retaining wall in rear yard and front yard on Linmouth Road; install rear facing 5-foot-high solid masonry fence located in rear yard and front yard on Linmouth Road; proposes to install 5-foot-high total height (4-foot-high metal open picket on 1-foot-high solid masonry wall) front yard facing fence on Wright Avenue and Linmouth Road; proposes to install side yard facing 5- foot-high total height (4-foot-high metal open picket on 1-foot-high solid masonry wall).

All interested parties should appear at the above time and place.  The Architectural & Site Plan Review Board Meeting will be immediately followed by a work session of the Board of Trustees.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the MALVERNE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Thursday, January 9, 2025, at the MALVERNE VILLAGE HALL, 99 Church Street, Malverne, New York 11565 and will hear the following cases at 7:00 PM:

Christopher & Meredith Heine

7 Winfield Pl.; Residential “C” District

Building Permit Application #2024-0706

Proposes to construct a second story addition over existing single family 1 1/2 story dwelling.

William Kunz

65 Horton St.; Residential “A” District

Building Permit Application #2024-0847

Proposes to construct an open sided cabana with built in counter.

Vishnu & Kamla Gangadin

55 Wright Ave.; Residential “A” District

Pool Permit Application #2024-0496: Proposes to install 20 ft. x 40 ft. inground swimming pool with drywell in rear yard.  Building Permit Application #2024-0498: Proposes to construction 300 sq. ft. open sided pool cabana with outdoor seasonal kitchen in rear yard.  Building Permit Application #2024-0607: Proposes to construction patio; masonry fire pit; and 3 ft. high planter retaining wall in rear yard and front yard on Linmouth Road.  HVAC Permit Application #2024-0136: Proposes to install three central A/C exterior condensers in front yard on Linmouth Road.  Fence Permit Application #2024-0499: Proposes to install rear facing 5-foot-

high solid masonry fence located in rear yard and front yard on Linmouth Road; proposes to install 5-foot-high

total height (4-foot-high metal open picket on 1-foot-high solid masonry wall) front yard facing fence on Wright

Avenue and Linmouth Road; proposes to install side yard facing 5- foot-high total height (4-foot-high metal

Open picket on 1-foot-high solid masonry wall) part of which is pool safety barrier safety; and proposes to install interior 5-foot-high metal open picket fence as pool safety barrier.

All interested parties should appear at the above time and place.








© 2023 - Incorporated Village of Malverne, New York

Malverne Village Hall

99 Church Street

Malverne, NY 11565

​Tel: 516-599-1200

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